Detoxify to Reduce Toxic Load

Detoxify to Reduce Toxic Load

Detoxification is one of the most important steps anyone can take to improve their health, but if you have been fighting Chronic Lyme Disease with daily antibiotics and over-the-counter medicines, it becomes absolutely critical to regularly remove the die-off and toxic overload in your body.

Once our family embraced this concept and took advantage of a complete detoxification program, our health transformation began to unfold.  Simply put, my family wouldn’t be healthy today without embracing a number of detoxification protocols to eliminate the toxic overload from excessive antibiotics, bacteria die-off, and over-the-counter medicines.

So what exactly is a toxin and why do we need to detoxify?  In the simplest terms, a toxin is any substance that is in some way poisonous to the body.  The air we breathe, the chemicals in our food, the prescription and over-the-counter drugs we take, and the personal products we use every day are all toxins that negatively impact our toxic load.  There is increasing evidence that this toxic load can contribute to many diseases, including chronic inflammation, autoimmune deficiency, neurological dysfunction, and cancer.

Although our bodies have a built-in detoxification system, powered by the kidneys, liver, lymphatic system, bowels, lungs, and skin, the functioning of these organs can deteriorate over time and become incapable of handling the daily onslaught of toxic substances.  Unfortunately, our bodies accumulate more toxins in today’s modern world than our natural detoxification system can remove.  These toxins build up over time and ultimately cause disease.  

Whether you are suffering from a chonic illness or simply not feeling at the peak of health, regular detoxification is an important component of optimal health.  ​​We have found that eating a whole-food, plant-based diet and removing inflammatory foods during the detoxification protocol provides the greatest benefit.  An improved diet to reduce inflammatory foods reduces excess strain on the liver and allows the body to focus completely on detoxification and cleansing.  A whole-food, plant-based diet is centered on whole, unrefined plants.  It includes fruits, vegetables, tubers, whole grains, and legumes, while excluding dairy products, eggs, beef, pork, shellfish and other highly processed foods.

Stay tuned for the 28-day detoxification program that helped our family kickstart our way to optimal health.  I will be publishing this information shortly.  In the meantime, there are plenty of related health articles to help you understand why detoxification is an important step in taking back your health.